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Zomerdienstregeling 2025



Below you find the timetable of the Ridderkerk De Schans stop.

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At the Ridderkerk De Schans stop you can also transfer to Driehoeksveer towards Kinderdijk. The Driehoeksveer service connects to Waterbus line 20 which ensures you a direct transfer. Driehoeksveer is not linked to Waterbus. Here you find the departures.

On board of Driehoeksveer you can only pay cash. Checking in with OV-chipkaart is not possible.

Attention: During winter Driehoeksveer does not operate in the weekends. To get to Kinderdijk you travel to the Alblasserkade stop. From here it is a ten-minute bike ride to the world famous windmills.

Plan your journey De Schans?

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